Zooming With Joel

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Speaking at PURE in Morocco

I am excited to announce that I have been invited to the upcoming PURE Life Experiences gathering in Marrakech, Morocco, to lead a MATTER discussion on how high-end travel designers and suppliers can successfully engage LGBTQ travelers. 

Time is a Factor

John from Kansas asks:If you could suggest a place to go right now, where would it be and why? Two places come to mind – Cuba and the Maldives.  Cuba because it will change forever once the rest of the world is able to travel there and establish businesses.  Having served as something of a time-capsule during the US-Cuba embargo, the country is already witnessing some of the social and economic effects of increased globalization. Because Cuba is relatively poor and very bureaucratic, change is slower than anticipated. Under the Obama administration, regulations have evolved and Cuba is becoming more...

Perfect Time to Visit Egypt!

I just returned from Zoom Egypt with a small group and the question on everyone’s mind is whether we/I felt safe.   I would say without any hesitation that we were safe in many ways. From a security perspective, given recent history the government has taken extra measures to secure all points of travel as well as tourist sites and areas.  As an American we were made to feel welcome.  We were often asked “where are you from?” as a way to start conversation, and invariably they would say “welcome!”.   Despite the rhetoric about traveling in the Middle East...