The world of travel has seen dramatic changes in the past 10 years. In some ways travel is better than ever, and in other ways it is more difficult. Taking into consideration recent travel restrictions as well as advancements Zoom Vacations® has compiled our list of our favorite things you can do to make sure that your next trip goes as smoothly as possible.
Secure your bag with TSA approved locks. These are especially handy to use in your hotel room, when room safes aren’t big enough to hold your laptop or other electronics. Simply put them in your luggage and lock it up. It’s a lot more difficult for someone to get out of the hotel with your large travel bag.
Buy water after you pass security and right before you get on the plane. Most airlines do not give you enough water on the plane, and dehydration will leave you feeling tired, achy, ect. Please note that this will not be possible for some international flights, such as when leaving Brazil, since they do an additional baggage check as you board the plane and you will be forced to discard any liquids you have.
Pack protein bars and other snacks. These are perfect for the plane or when you are touring and just need a quick snack but don’t want to sit down to a long meal.
If you have a laptop and plan on working or watching movies during a long flight, pack an auto/air adapter plug. This can be plugged directly into the airplane’s in-seat power receptacle, and will power your laptop for as long as you need it.
Buy a noise-canceling headset. Not only do they help keep things quiet, allowing you to relax, but they also enhance your video and audio experience. Especially if you spend a lot of time on the plane, these are a great investment.
Bring a candle. Most of us have favorite candles that adorn our coffee tables and bathroom counters at home, so why not bring this same ambience and warm aroma to your hotel room! This is an easy, inexpensive way to dress up and personalize your Accommodations.
Bring movies. When traveling in the States, you can bring your or movies with you, and after you watch them on the plane or in your room, you can simply pop them into your nearest mailbox, and there may be a new movie waiting for you at home.
Use a travel agent or travel planner to design your vacation, especially one who has been to the destination where you are heading. Just as interior designers, real estate agents, and electricians are experts in their field, expert professional travel planners, such as Zoom Vacations®, will use their expertise to plan the perfect vacation for you, and will often have “insider” advantages and tips that you very possibly wouldn’t find on your own.
Bring a ball point pen with you on your flights, especially when traveling internationally. You will always need one to fill out necessary customs forms.
Use your ATM card for obtaining foreign currency when traveling abroad. Your US account will be debited at the official bank exchange rate. Your local bank may or may not charge a withdrawal fee. But that will be less than the commissions charged by local banks for exchanging US Dollars into local currency.
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