Travel can be a powerful tool for breaking down racism and promoting cultural understanding.
Author: Bryan Herb (Bryan Herb)
The Joys of Traveling With LGBTQ+ People
There's just something about traveling with gay people that makes the experience so much more enjoyable and memorable.
The Changing Face of Gay Travel
Gay travel has become more accessible and accepted than ever before.
Water is Life
In 2018, I wrote an article about how water health and safety may be the most significant (and overlooked) issue facing the planet today. Ever since the recent train derailment in Ohio, and subsequent contamination of soil and water, I keep thinking back to the article I wrote 5 years ago. According to many sources,...
Travel With the Flow
People in the travel industry are so excited to have guests again, and to be doing what they love. T
Travel Like Your Mental Health Depends on it
Check out these 10 ways in which travel can be good for our mental health.
Behind the Scenes
My most recent trip to Peru had the most logistical challenges of any trip we have ever had
Signature Cuisine from 11 Very Different Countries
If you are traveling to any of these destinations, try these local delicacies, and let me know what you think!
Panic-Free Packing: Just Carry-On
Read these ten tips below and see if you can get some ideas for traveling with carry-on only.
The Other Side of India
Few places in the world are as stunningly beautiful, exotic, and mysterious, yet as misunderstood as India.