The following are some suggestions to help you have a seamless and safe experience.
Tag: corona travel
Beat Travel Inflation: Travel Today at Yesterdays Prices
It isn't only that things are expensive last minute, availability is also very scarce as we get closer to the date of travel.
Traveling During Uncertain Times
We know a lot of you are curious to know what it is like to travel during this time. We Zoomed ;) with Joel in Cairo, Egypt, and this is what he had to say.
My New Travel Arsenal
Over the years, I have learned of several things to pack with me to help have the best experience possible.
Got the Vaccine? Your Travel Options are Increasing
There are more options in the world of travel for vaccinated travelers.
Traveling During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article removes some of the mystery of what it may be like to travel internationally during this time.
Traveling During A Pandemic – What You Need to Know
The challenge is how to travel to a country that allows us in. Specifically, what steps are necessary to get there and how to stay safe while getting there and once in the country.
Staying Safe While Flying
There are many people who are afraid to travel on a plane, which I understand, but those same people are taking Ubers, riding subways, and taking other modes of transportation.