Category: Zooming with Bryan

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Peru’s Biggest Surprise isn’t Machu Picchu

When people hear “Peru” most of them instantly think of Machu Picchu, and indeed, it is the country’s biggest tourist attraction.   However, what impresses people almost as much as Machu Picchu, and certainly wins the award for best surprise, is how much they love Lima.  Yes, Lima. Like in many places around the world, if you...


India: What You Don’t Know About This Destination Could Have You Missing the Vacation of Your Dreams

But all of these things are what make India so fascinating and captivating. It is the constant juxtaposition of two opposing things: centuries-old buildings next to very modern architecture, and ancient recipes reimagined with ingredients from around the world. It is Bollywood with all of its glamour, wealth, and physical beauty next to people who have very little, and whose inner light and happiness shine brighter than any of the colorful dances of Bollywood.


The History of Halloween

Many countries celebrate Halloween or something very similar. While dedicated to costumes, candy, and joyful trickery, it is most popular in America and Canada, and is gaining prominence in Australia and several countries in Europe, especially Ireland, where it is a is a widely celebrated cultural event.


Me and Machu Picchu: A Love Affair

Many visitors to Machu Picchu report a strange energy they feel, walking among the ruins. Perhaps this energy is simply the impact of the extreme beauty of the area. If you have been, you know what I am talking about. If not, allow me to paint a picture for you.