The End of Communism for Cuba and China?

The world is changing faster than ever.  Communism has been reduced to a philosophical ideology that does not translate well to running a government.  These are the lessons learned by Cuba and China.   Cuba is finally set to openly embrace capitalism by welcoming more U.S. travelers to an island that has been frozen in time for over 50 years.  This means that U.S. citizens will be able to travel there with more ease, use credit cards and bring back Cuban products like hand rolled cigars and rum.  At this time all travel to Cuba is limited to fully pre paid...

Several Countries Expedite their Visa Procedures

Zooming around the world to places like India, Myanmar, and southern Africa just got easier for citizens of 40 plus countries including Australia, Canada and the USA:   For India, you no longer have to go to an India consulate to apply for a visa.  As of November 27, 2014, you may now apply for and get a tourist visa-on-arrival (TVoA) online, entitling you to enter India anytime within 30 days of the approval. The electronic travel authorization, which will be in the form of an email received from the Indian authorities, will entitle you to a 30-day stay in...

Magical Myanmar

Myanmar is the newest Zoom Vacations destination (March 12-18, 2015).  For sometime now I had been waiting for the right time to visit Myanmar, which many had told me is a very special country.  Sandwiched between India, China and Thailand, Myanmar has been influenced to some degree by the best of these 3 iconic cultures.    Myanmar is called the Golden Land because there is always a 24 karat golden domed pagoda within eyesight.  For 50 years after English colonialism ended, Myanmar was sheltered and isolated by various dictatorships and military governments.  Until recently the country had seen very little...

The History of Halloween

Many countries celebrate Halloween or something very similar. While dedicated to costumes, candy, and joyful trickery, it is most popular in America and Canada, and is gaining prominence in Australia and several countries in Europe, especially Ireland, where it is a is a widely celebrated cultural event.

Finding the Next “It” Spot

People often ask us how we go about selecting new destinations for Zoom Vacations tours.  We actually go about this in a number of ways.  The main way is that while on our tours, our travelers often tell us the places they would like to visit.  We really listen, and especially when we start hearing the same destinations mentioned over and over, it moves to the top of our radar.  Also, destinations who often contact us to create tours to their locales.  We have noticed that when destinations reach out on their own to attract LGBT travelers that these same...

Me and Machu Picchu: A Love Affair

Many visitors to Machu Picchu report a strange energy they feel, walking among the ruins. Perhaps this energy is simply the impact of the extreme beauty of the area. If you have been, you know what I am talking about. If not, allow me to paint a picture for you. 

How Do We Decide Where to Go?

How Do We Decide Where to Go?

A l lot of people ask us how Zoom Vacations chooses a group trip destination and how we develop a trip. Zoom Vacations chooses a trip destination the same way that it develops a trip – thru in-person research and relationship building.   Every Zoom Vacations tour begins with a research trip to the prospective tour destination to assess whether it is gay-friendly, the variety of accommodations and activities available, as well as physical beauty and appeal of the destination.   There is no substitute for getting a feel for a destination in-person, walking thru every step of a future trip...