Author: Bryan Herb (Bryan Herb)

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Yoga WoodChop Yell

In this video, Zoom Vacations co-founder, Bryan Herb demonstrates a simple and effective yoga move, geared towards getting out our frustrations in a healthy way: woodchop yell.


10 Secrets to Make You Happier in Under an Hour

Most people who know me would say I am a pretty happy guy. The thing is, happiness in not always naturally present for me, and at times I have to really work at it. The following are my tried and true secrets for raising your vibe and make you happier in under and hour.


Fabulous French Polynesia

I realized that my number one bucket list destination was ironically also probably one of the safest places that I could visit right now, and that is open to United States travelers: Bora Bora in French Polynesia.


To Mask or Not to Mask

I poised the following question to travel planners around the world: In your countries, are there people saying that the virus is a hoax, refusing to wear masks, etc. like we have in the States?
Read this blog to see the responses I received.