People have often asked us why Zoom Vacations offers yachting voyages instead of big cruises. If you join us on one of our yacht voyages, you will have your answer in about two seconds, as you are welcomed aboard with friendly smiles, a cold towel, and a glass of champagne.
Our mega-yacht voyages embody great attention to detail, customization, quality, and casual elegance– all hallmarks of a Zoom Vacation.
Since the yachts are smaller we can visit smaller ports, inaccessible to larger ships, and we can stay longer at each destination. The food is exquisite, and since it is all inclusive, our time onboard is simply effortless. Once you start comparing the two experiences, you realize that there truly is no comparison. Pictures of a recent yachting adventure can be found on our Facebook page. In fact, the photo above is from one of our stops at St. Barth’s in the Caribbean.
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